Efficient, swift and sophisticated, Cleopatra is your key to success

The Cleopatra Fisherman is a high-speed fishing boat, designed to withstand the rough seas and weather conditions of the North Atlantic Ocean. Made of glassfibre reinforced plastics (GRP), according to rules and regulations set by the Nordic Boat standard.

The Cleopatra Fisherman is designed to meet all requirements of professional fishermen for efficiency, speed and seaworthiness.

The boat is equipped with high-technology fishing equipment and can be fitted out for longlining, jigging, netting, Danish seining etc. The Cleopatra Fisherman is a good choice for independent fishermen and fishing companies alike. It can deliver good catches and high revenue for a low investment.

The Cleopatra design also offers great many possibilities for other applications from diving tenders to passenger vessels.

Cleopatra 31

A wolf in sheep’s clothing

Cleopatra 33

The very finest available

Cleopatra 38

High Speed, High Capacity & High Quality!

Cleopatra 50

Bigger may at last be proven to be better!